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Lecture Notice | This lecture will take you to avoid the misunderstandings in the process of making PPT, and teach you to make an eye-catching PPT. What is the correct procedure for making PPT? What issues should be…

Event Notice | The beautiful mountains and waters of Haining have nurtured generations of Haining talents. Mr. Qian Juntao is one of the famous talents who was known as a seal carver, calligrapher and painter, book…

Lecture Notice | Want to edit videos but don't know where to start? This lecture is just right for you! It will take you to know the interface and tools of Premiere, understand the basic operations to create videos,…

Service Notice | Dear all: Student textbook purchase of 2021 spring semester is about to start. If you want to order textbooks, please submit your order online through PeopleSoft and pay the bill in advance. Detailed…

Lecture Notice | 大家日常学习和办公都离不开邮件和云文档,但你真的了解Outlook和OneDrive吗?要知道,它们的功能可能并不像你以为的这么简单噢!Outlook除了收发邮件外,还是个功能齐全的日程表。多人共享、编辑文档又如何通过OneDrive实现呢?微软大神亲临现场,带你解锁Office365百宝箱里的隐藏技能。 主讲人:杨蓓健 主讲人简介:Microsoft Office系列课程资深讲师 时间:…

Event Notice | The culture of incorruption in China has a long history. On October 18th, the Fourth “Qingxin Zhengdao” Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Zhejiang University on Government Incorruption was held…