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Service Notice | Dear all, Textbooks will be distributed on Sept. 7th. Detailed arrangement are as follows: 1、 For ZJE & ZJUI Freshmen Institute Major Date Time Location ZJE Biomedical Sciences Sept. 7th 9:30-…

Service Notice | Dear all,  According to Notice re the Arrangements during the 2024 Summer Vacation on the International Campus, library opening hours and service are arranged as follows:  Opening Hours During…

Service Notice | Dear all, The settlement of undergraduates’ textbooks for 2023-2024 Academic year is about to start. Students from ZJE/ZJUI (2020-2023) should confirm the textbook settlement information and pay the…

Service Notice | Dear all, Student textbook purchase of 2024 fall semester is about to start. If you want to order textbooks, please submit your order online and pay the bill in advance. Detailed information is as…

Service Notice | To enhance the reader experience and optimize library resources and services, the Library Website has been revised and upgraded. The new version of the website is currently undergoing a trial run…

Service Notice | Dear all,  According to Notice re the Arrangements during the Winter Vacation on the International Campus, library opening hours and service are arranged as follows: 1. Opening Hours During the…