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Other Notice | The University of Chicago Press Journals database covers more than 80 academic journals, of which 68 are included in web of science. It not only covers the fields of humanities and social sciences,…

Other Notice | The Party Library selects more than 10,000 e-books suitable for party members and cadres, covering Xi Jinping's books, cultural self-confidence, philosophy readings, party member learning, party and…

Other Notice | The Red Classics Library of Knowledge Horizons focuses on the four major sections of revolutionary pioneers, red wall memories, century-old craftsmen, and master’s footprints. Using historical…

Other Notice | Science Library is a platform for full-text retrieval, online browsing, downloading and borrowing of electronic books by Science Press. The library includes almost all award-winning works,…

Other Notice | Nature Academic Journal (AJ Journal for short) has a total of 38 academic journals, 27 of which are issued in cooperation with well-known medical or scientific groups and institutions, and 9 of…

Other Notice | Pharnexcloud takes the large biomedical database as the core carrier and focuses on providing the following services: (1) medical database services; (2) dedicated data platform for the API industry…