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[Resource Recommendation] Notice on the opening trial of the Red Classics Library of Knowledge Horizons

The Red Classics Library of Knowledge Horizons focuses on the four major sections of revolutionary pioneers, red wall memories, century-old craftsmen, and master’s footprints. Using historical materials display, storytelling, and character interview videos as expression methods, it focuses on major events in the 100-year journey of the party’s founding, outstanding people and historical stories. Through 12,000 minutes of high-quality video, it reflects the glorious history of the Chinese people under the leadership of the party in the past 100 years, fully demonstrates the glorious tradition and fine style of the Chinese nation passed down through generations, and vividly presents the great achievements of reform and development.


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Visit time: from today to Dec. 30th, 2021


Library & Information Center

April. 30th, 2021