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Lecture Notice | Lecture 1: Use Wiley E-Textbook and Read Textbooks from World-Famous Universities Speaker: Wang Yangmu, Senior Manager of Chinese Marketing Department in Wiley Time: Mar. 29th 2019, Friday, 14:00 –…

Lecture Notice | Lecture Topic: The Search and Utilization of Facts and Data Resources Speaker: Que Chenchen Time: Mar. 22nd 2019, 15:30-16:30, Friday Location: Library Multi-function Room, 1st Floor Participants:…

Lecture Notice | Lecture Topic: Using PS & AI to Make Posters Speaker: Liu liguang ( Time: Jan. 4th 2019, 15:30-16:30p.m., Friday Location: Library Multi-…

Lecture Notice | Speaker: Eric Maskin (2007 Nobel laureate) Eric Maskin is an economist and a 2007 Nobel laureate recognized (along with Leonid Hurwicz and Roger B. Myerson) “for having laid the foundations of…

Lecture Notice | Lecture Topic: Making Diagrams in Excel Speaker: Li Yi ( Time: Dec. 28th 2018, 15:30-16:30p.m., Friday Location: Library Multi-function Room…

Lecture Notice | Lecture Topic: Making Your Point More Powerful Speaker: Lin Rushi ( Time: Dec. 21st 2018, 15:30-16:30p.m., Friday Location: Library Multi-…