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New Arrived Books—Complete Works of Paintings in Song and Yuan Dynasty

Complete Works of Paintings in Song Dynasty, charged by ZJU and Zhejiang Heritage Board, is the most authoritative and completed collection of pictures and literatures in Song Dynasty. In total, it has eight tomes of 32 volumes, which contain 1500 ancient exquisite paintings of both China and the whole world. With its rich content, and delicate design, the Complete Works of Paintings in Song Dynasty has the newest accomplishment and the highest achievement in publishing Chinese ancient paintings nowadays by filling in the gaps in collection of paintings in Song Dynasty and innovatively dividing the Chinese history into periods of paintings.

Complete Works of Paintings in Yuan Dynasty is one of the most important part of Chinese paintings through the ages. Published by ZJU, it is a collection of 670 Yuan paintings from 110 collection entities in Europe, America, Japan, and China. There are 5 tomes in this complete works which are divided into 16 volumes,by collecting the global Yuan paintings, absorbing the newest achievement of research in China and the whole world, and applying the highest printing technology in the world. It provides a resource of elaborate and scientific fundamental literature for generations to learn from and do research as well as lays a philological and iconological foundation for the study of art history in Yuan dynasty.

These two collections are now on the Special Collection Shelves in library atrium, you are all welcomed to come and read.