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the Second Collection Event for the Most Beautiful Voice of the Library


Reading makes the words become a warm voice and shows the inherent power of the words. On the 24th World Reading Day, the library will hold the second collection event for the most beautiful voice. Readers can participate in this activity through 3-5 minutes recordings. Delicate gifts are available for all selected recordings.



Voice Collecting Time: April 23rd to 30th

Result Releasing Time: May 6th   



1.    Reading materials can be selected from Bookan reading resource library. Reading the classics provided by yourself is also allowed. There is no genre restriction.

2.    This activity can be performed by single or couple (group with two participants will be counted for one prize).

3. The reading time is 3-5 minutes.

4. Each participant can only submit one recording.


Activity entrance:

1.    Bookan Reading Studio on the first floor of the library

2.    WeChat Entrance: Follow the Official WeChat Account -- "Library" -- "My Reading" -- the Chinese Characters “手机朗读”("Reading by mobile phone")


Activity flow and rules

1. Participants save and upload the recordings after reading;

2. Please share your work in the WeChat moments, and invite friends to listen to and collect likes after submission;

3. All teachers and students in the campus are encouraged to participate in this activity. The scoring rules are as follows:

The total score is 100 points

The score proportion is:

(1) Rate of the number of likes accounts for 50% of the total score: full score is based on the highest number of likes among all works online, and individual score is calculated as: (actual number of likes/the highest number of likes among all works) *50;

(2) Rate of the listening accounts for 50% of the total score: full score is based on the highest online listening number of the works of the participants, and individual score is calculated as: (actual listening number of the individual/highest listening number among the works) *50;

The top 16 of the above two scores will get the following awards. If the scores are the same, a higher number of likes is preferred.

Note: each client (for example: WeChat ID, qq number) can only give likes once a day for the same works, but each client can give likes to several works on the same day.


Award setting:

First prize: 1, Mi sports Bluetooth headset

Second prize: 2, Mi Bluetooth speakers

Third prize: 3, umbrellas

Participation award: 10, rainbow notebooks

Awards: the award time of all prizes will be announced later.



Library and Information Center

Apr. 23rd 2019