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Notice on WeiXue Salon—Living Library


Living Library is a concept of reading: "books can be made by human experiences". Through inviting people with different life experiences to "read" with readers in a form of face-to-face communication. The mission of living library is not only to let readers acquire new knowledge, but also to achieve the purpose of communicating with each other, enhancing understanding and eliminating dissenting opinions, so as to obtain the feeling different from reading paper books.


Here is the detail of the first living book:

Title: Huang Yili: Exploring the Microbial Planet

Author: Huang Yili

Location: Library multifunction room

Borrowing time: 3:00 PM, Nov. 19, 2019

Call Number: Q93/CH1/LL001

Please click the link below to register for reading:

Introduction: Huang Yili, doctor and associate researcher. In 2007, she obtained PhD in Marine Environmental Science from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From 2007 to 2009, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the department of microbiology of Harvard Medical School. Since 2010, she has been engaged in teaching and scientific research in the School of Environment and Resources in Zhejiang University. She mainly studies the formation of microbial coating, quorum sensing and the degradation and adsorption of environmental pollutants. She presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation and other projects.

In this salon, Dr. Huang will explore microbial planet together with readers, from chalk cliffs to the pulsation of the earth, from soil microbes to "smart" microbes.

Welcome to actively borrow the first living book, you can not only hear the wine story here but also get your own library card.

Library and Information Center

Nov. 15th, 2019