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The Notice of Library and IT Services Opening Arrangements

Dear all,

In order to satisfy the study and academic needs of exchange students, library evening open will be resumed from September 7th. To enhance epidemic prevention, library and IT service is arranged as follows:

1.    Library Service

1)      Opening Hours: 8:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Monday-Sunday

2)      Opening Regions: First and second floor are opened, while third floor is temporarily closed. The Café will reopen while the Bookan Reader, and phone booth are suspended.

3)      Service Provided: reading & study area, interlibrary Loan, consulting, book borrowing, and e-resource access service are provided; services such as device borrowing, offline lecture and library visit are suspended.

2.    IT Services

1)      Opening hours:  8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Sunday

2)      Consultancy: You are suggested to use remote service such as e-mail or phone call. If a drop-in service is necessarily required, please contact ITS in advance. We will arrange it in off-peak period.

3.    Requirements

1)      The entry is at the south entrance (main entrance) on the first floor. To enter the library, any person must receive body temperature check and hands disinfection. When entering the library, please wear masks, keep a distance with others and stay in order.

2)      Limiting measure is adopted now. If it exceeds the maximum number, you will not be able to enter the library. The real-time number of people within the library can be checked in library website.

3)      Recommend teachers and students to use the self-serviced machine to borrow and return books and to use self-serviced sterilizer when borrowing books. Do not put books and periodicals back on bookshelf by yourself when you finish reading them, please place them in the specified location next to the shelf. All the books will be disinfected and returned by librarians.

4)      When dealing with service, please keep over one meter to avoid group gathering.


During this period, the library will be disinfected and ventilated every day, please cooperate with the staff. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thanks for your understanding.


Library and Information Center

September 3rd, 2020