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Series Activities of Seal Collection on Long March by Qian Juntao

In 1934, the Red Army of Workers and Peasants completed the 25,000-li Long March, from which Mr. Qian completed the Seal Collection on Long March in the artistic form of seal carving. At the beginning of the semester, the library cooperated with Qian Juntao Institute of Art to carry out physical exhibitions, manual seal carving experience, series of lectures and other activities in order to pay tribute to the magnificent history of the Long March.


Activity One

Wei Xue Fair: Exhibition of Seal Collection on Long March by Qian Juntao

Date: February 21st to March 21st 

Location: Corridor on the second floor of the library

Host: Haining Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Sponsor: International Campus Library, Qian Juntao Institute of Art  


Activity Two

Wei Xue Salon: Appreciation of Seal Collection on Long March & Seal Cutting Activity

Speaker: Wen Dapeng 

Introduction: Wen Dapeng, received a bachelor's degree in calligraphy education and a master's degree in the theory and study of calligraphy and seal carving techniques. He now works in the Artistic creation research Department of Qian Junzhen Art Research Institute and is a major research member of the Chinese seal characters research institute of Hangzhou Normal University.

Date: 18:30-20:00, February 23rd  

Location: Multi-functional Room

Participation: within 20 

Scan the QR code for registration



Activity Three

Wei Xue Lecture: Xiling Seal Engraver's Society 


Date: February 21st to March 21st 

Location: Multi-functional Room


Come and join us!


Feb. 18th, 2022