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[Service Notice]Notice Re the Migration of the Library Device Rental Service to the Unified Booking System of International Campus

In order to meet the needs of teachers and students, the library device rental service will be migrated to the unified booking system of International Campus, and the trial operation time will be one month.


After the migration, reservation process and rules will change slightly, but the reservation methods remain unchanged.


Changes in Reservation Process:

1) Changes of appointment interface: it is impossible to visually see the occupancy of device, but the available device can be searched according to the time you choose.

2) You will be allocated a device automatically; you can check the device number in Manage My Reservation.


Changes in Reservation Rules:

1) For those who have reserved a device in the library but didn’t collect the device half 15 minutes after the time of claim and those out of the library didn’t collect in the day of claim, the reservation will be cancelled automatically. 

2) Blacklist will be cancelled.


Reservation Method:

1) PC: Enter the library website ( - using the library -  Device Rental Service


During the trial period, if you have any questions, please contact us in time.

Hotline: 0571-87572288




November 30th, 2022