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As of May 9, 2023, the first batch of new books in Chinese and foreign languages for the 2022-2023 spring and summer semester has been put on the shelves. There are 105 books in foreign languages and 320 in Chinese (See attachment for a detailed list). The new books include not only biomedical science and computer science books, but also various works of humanities and social sciences, also some special bibliography of Haining, tool bibliography, college textbooks and so on. At present, some new foreign books are placed in the atrium area of the first floor of the library, other books in Chinese and foreign languages are placed in the bookshelf area on the second floor and the third floor of the library for general borrow; special bibliography are placed in the special collection room on the second floor of the library for indoor reading; tool books and textbooks are placed in the tool book reading area on the second floor and the textbook bookshelf on the first floor for indoor reading.

The new books this time include personal donations from Fu Qiang, Yan Cui, Li Xianghua, Shi Junping, Jiang Wentao and Long Xianwen, as well as donations from Haining Library, China International Book Trading Corporation. Here, thanks a lot to the above personnel and organizations for their generous donations!

The library collection construction work focuses on the development of the campus and the development of academic subject and selects books according to the needs of readers at all levels to better build a people-oriented collection system. Readers are welcome to borrow from the library and recommend books actively.


May 9th, 2023



Newly Arrived Chinese Booklist(20230509).pdf

Newly Arrived English Booklist (20230509).pdf