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“One Book” Project for Freshmen: A Short History of Nearly Everything


At university, the stack of books and articles to read and study can seem endless, especially when you are reading in a foreign language. How can you read effectively, so that you learn what you need without wasting time on what you don’t? How can you read actively and critically, really thinking about what you read? In this lecture, we will consider some strategies and tips for effective reading, using A Short History of Nearly Everything and A Brief History of Time as examples. As some of them ask for whether we have following book clubs outside the English online courses, we are going to keep holding the book clubs in Library Reading Corner each Saturday afternoon. 



Activity One:

[Living Library] Effective Reading: How to Make the Most of the Books You Read

Speaker: Caitriana Nicholson

Introduction: Academic English Instructor at International Campus, PhD in Experimental Particle Physics from the University of Glasgow, experienced in research, teaching and scientific editing in both the UK and China.
Time: Sept. 16th, 2023, 13:00-14:00, Saturday
Location: Library Multi-function Room on the 1st Floor
Mode: Alive

Language: English

Participants: Freshmen


Activity Two

“Book & Coffee”: A book Club of a Short History of Nearly Everything

Chapter to read in this session: Chapter 25, “Darwin’s Singular Notion.”

Time: Sept.16th, 14:00-15:00, Saturday

Location: Reading Corner in Café of the Library

Language: English

Participants: Freshmen (Other readers are welcomed)


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September 14, 2023