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Notice on the Result of E-book Retrieval Competition

The library e-book retrieval competition has come to a successful conclusion. Thanks for your support! The library selects the first, second, and third prizes based on the scores. The winning information is as follows:

The 1st Prize

Award Winners: 323****6063

Prize: Xiaomi Wireless Earphones

The 2nd Prize

Award Winners: 321****0335322****6165323****0332

Prize: Ergonomic Mouse

The 3rd Prize

Award Winners: 323****1866322****1245321****5179321****5847322****1278321****0938320****0915320****1044323****1515323****0445

Prize: Bookmark (random one)

Congratulations to the winners!

Please come to the library with your valid ID as soon as possible to collect the prize.

Time:  Dec. 1st – 7th, 2023, 9:00~17:00

Location: the library information desk, 1st Floor

Tel: 0571-87572288



Nov. 29th, 2023