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Activity of Reparation and Binding of Western Language Books Was Held Successfully

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Reparation and binding of western language books was held successfully in the library multi-function room on Dec. 31st. Xiuli Han, Chaonan Ying and Junwen Li who come from the Department of Ancient Books of Zhejiang University Library were invited to give a lecture on reparation of western language books.


Nearly 20 teachers and students were involved in this activity. The lecturer presented the method of reparation of ancient books after demonstrating the basic information of the binding and printing of the ancient western books.


Xiuli Han was explaining the basic information of binding and printing of the ancient western books


Chaonan Ying was presenting the swabbing



Teachers and students were selecting the favored cover and end paper



Teachers and students were carefully binding their books



Some of the teachers and students finished binding books


All the teachers and students said, it is amazing that papers became book covers on their hands. They ended the activity with their books and their favor of the traditional culture. Students wished the library could hold similar activities to attract people to fall in love with reading.


Library and Information Center

Jan. 1st, 2020