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Take the First Step and Embark on A New Journey ——In 2021, a series of Library orientation activities were carried out successfully

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


In order to make freshmen know the library better, get familiar with library service and resources, a series of orientation activities were launched online and offline from the end of August and September, including a quiz of library, Treasure Hunt, a booklist for freshmen, and etc., to help freshmen adjust themselves to study as quickly as possible.

Students were very enthusiastic and actively participative in the activity, and the number of participants was up to 200.

On the end of August, orientation education followed a Freshman's Quiz of the Library. Freshmen not only completed the quiz actively but also asked questions about how to use library resources.

During the welcome campus tour, the library carefully prepared welcome videos, poster and booths, creating a strong welcome atmosphere. During the visit, the librarian explained the space layout, collection layout and some practical skills of the library to the freshmen enthusiastically and patiently. Freshmen lamented: "the environment of the library is too good!



Freshmen in Front of the Welcome Booth


Freshmen Visiting the Atrium


From Sep.10th, 2021, activities of "Treasure Hunt"—— Complete Tasks, Start Your Library Tour and "DON'T WASTE YOUR GOOD TIME" —— A Booklist for Freshmen were held.

In the first activity, world-famous paintings were set up as clues to connect five tasks of how to use library, in which freshman had to guessing riddles before get the task. They learned how to use library by themselves during the library exploration. This made completing tasks more interesting, and strengthened their willingness for clearance. In such a new way, the activity was loved by the freshmen.



Taking a photo with the Task



Completing the Fifth Task and Taking A Photo with Zhejiang University Library during the Westward migration



Drawing A Lottery after Completing Tasks



In the second activity, a booklist was given online and offline which may be helpful for freshmen to start college life in terms of ten aspects, such as learn to read, learn to write, learn to study, and college life.  Once the booklist was released, books in the Freshmen’s bookshelf were borrowed quickly while others have to reserve for obtaining the books.



Students was Watching the Exhibition

The purpose of this event has been fully achieved as the students, especially freshmen, can step by step explore how to use library service and resources in a game. This is a successful attempt to explore which way is better for freshman to get started with library as library daily entrance is at record levels and much more library resources are used. In the future, library will try to explore more ways of resource recommendation to enhance library resource and service use.