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Mr. Qian Juntao’s Art World – WeiXue Salon: Living Library Ended Successfully

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To enhance the understanding of Celebrity culture in Haining and promote the integration of campus culture and local culture, the library invited Zou Qiang from Qian Juntao Institute of Arts as the guest of living library for this salon, to introduce Qian Juntao's life and achievements.

On the evening of November 10, Wei Xue Salon living library: Qian Juntao Art World was held in the multifunctional hall of the library.



PICTURE1 Site of the salon

At the beginning of the activity, the library gave a customized book to Zou Qiang.



PICTURE2 book-giving ceremony

Qian Juntao, who was born in Haining, Zhejiang province, is a distinguished seal carver, calligrapher and painter, book decorator, poet, publisher, essayist and collector. Mr. Zou explained from a multi-dimensional perspective, especially focusing on the artistic achievements of Qian Lao in book decoration design, leading us to appreciate the artistic realm of venerable Mr. Qian which can be described as "a master of several arts, reaches the peak at nineties".

During the activity, more than ten teachers and students attending the salon discussed the local culture of Haining with Mr. Zou Qiang. Mr. Zou answered questions patiently and recommended some books about celebrities in Haining.


PICTURE3 a heated discussion between the students and Mr. Zou



PICTURE4 Foreign teachers and students stopped to watch

After the salon, teachers and students took a group photo with Mr. Zou Qiang. Some students said that they have had a better understanding of Haining culture through this activity. They hope to experience painting and calligraphy creation in Qian Juntao Institute of Arts, and expect more local culture to be exported to ZJU campus in the future.



PICTURE5 Mr. Zou and the teachers and students on site


Written by Zhang Hongyu

Nov. 11th, 2021