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Activity of Appreciation of Seal Collection on Long March & Seal Cutting was Held Successfully

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Qian Junzhen (1907-1998), born in Tudian, Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, was a famous seal carver, calligrapher and painter. During the seventy years of Mr. Qian’s career, numerous art works were produced with a wide range of disciplines and unique insights.

In order to enhance the interest of teachers and students in seal carving art and enhance our appreciation of seal carving art, on the evening of February 23rd, the library invited Mr. Wen Dapeng of Qian Juntao Art Research Institute as the keynote speaker to explain the story behind Mr. Qian's Seal Collection on Long March, and also to demonstrate and teach seal carving skills in the multi-functional hall of the library.


Figure 1. Students flipped through and admired the seal collections

Before the start of the activity, the students read and appreciated the collections of famous artists' seal collected in the museum and discussed and exchanged, which opened the atmosphere of on-site art appreciation.


Figure 2. Mr. Wen introduced the Seal Collection of Long March

The art of seal carving has a long history. After the beginning of the activity, Mr. Wen first introduced the development process of seal carving art in China, showed the students the artistic styles represented in different periods through abundant pictures, and appreciated Qian Juntao's Seal Collection of Long March.


Figure 3. Mr. Wen demonstrated the seal cutting skills

In the seal cutting session, Mr. Wen chose the first seal in the Seal Collection on Long March - "Ruijin", and demonstrated to teachers and students the steps of starting the seal, putting on the stone, cutting technique, and gave them guidance on the spot.


Figure 4. Students performed seal cutting


Figure 5. Students performed seal cutting

After Mr. Wen's detailed explanation, more than 20 participants experienced seal carving on the spot. Everyone devoted themselves to the process of artistic creation.


Figure 6. Mr. Wen provided guidance


Figure 7. one seal cutting by the participant


Figure 8. one seal cutting by the participant

At the end of the salon, everyone harvested their own seals, which were different and full of meaning. Through the combination of lecture and manual experience, this activity makes us vividly and directly realize the unique charm of seal carving as a traditional Chinese art. Participants expressed that they will pay more attention to seal carving in the future.


Figure 9. Students enjoyed the exhibition after the activity


Translation Qin Difan