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Service Notice | In order to meet the needs of students and faculties of International Campus to access subject resources quickly and effectively, Library and Information Center has launched a column named Libguides…

Lecture Notice | Topic: How to get published on scholarly publications: For Researchers in Biomedical Science Speaker: Liu Xiaoqian Introduction: This lecture will take you through the preparation of the first draft…

Service Notice | In order to meet the needs of students and faculties of International Campus to use Library's electronic resources off-campus, Library has launched a new column titled Resources Off-campus Visits on…

Other Notice | University Teaching Reference is the characteristic resource library of Founder Apabi China Digital Library. The books selected are designed to meet the basic and professional needs of colleges and…

Lecture Notice | Topic: ScienceDirect---Empowering Knowledge using COVID-19 as an example to explore the platform Speaker: Li Mengyao Introduction: This lecture will take the novel coronavirus epidemic as an example…

Service Notice | Dear all, According to the Notice on further implementing the requirements for prevention and control of coronavirus epidemic issued by International Campus Administration Office, Library and IT…