Founded in 1807, Wiley Press is one of the oldest and best-known publishers in the world. Wiley is one of the world's top three academic publishers and the world's largest publisher of academic associations, working with more than 900 academic associations each year. Since 1901 to the present day, Wiley has published the works of more than 460 Nobel Prize winners. More than 1,600 academic journals are included on the Wiley Online Library platform, including more than 1,200 on the Web of Science, covering almost all disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and health sciences. The library ordered all of Wiley's current issues. NSTL purchased Wiley Press's Backtracking Journal Database (927 academic journals, back in 1997 to its founding year) to provide services to domestic institutional users under national license, see "Notice of NSTL's opening of Wiley Backtracking Journal Database for the whole country". The library also purchased some Wiley reference books.