Title: Biomedical Sciences: Essential Laboratory Medicine
Author: Ray Iles, Suzanne Docherty
Press: Wiley
EISBN: 9781119950929
PISBN: 9780470997758
Edition: 1st
Introduction: Biomedical Sciences is an indispensable, all encompassing core textbook for first/ second year biomedical science students that will support them throughout their undergraduate career. The book will include the key components of the IBMS accredited degree programmes, plus sections on actual practice in UK hospital laboratories (including the compilation of a reflective portfolio). The book will be visually exciting, and written in an interesting and accessible manner while maintaining scientific rigour. Highlighted boxes within the text will link the theory to actual clinical laboratory practice for example, the histopathology chapter will include a photographically illustrated flow chart of the progress of a specimen through the histopathology lab, so that students can actually see how the specimen reception/inking/cut-up/cassette/block/section/stain system works, with an emphasis on the safety procedures that ensure specimens are not confused). This book is based on the biomedical science degree course, developed by the authors at Middlesex University for approximately 100 students and will include chapters from internal and expert external contributors to the course from the University. There is currently no one book that encompasses the entire BMS degree course and students are required to buy a selection of texts to meet their needs. The aim of this book is to follow the format of books such as Devlin and Voet and Voet and offer the BMS students a comprehensive text that they can use from their first year through to their finals.
Location: International Campus Library - Textbook Shelf
Call Number: R446/LB2/ZJE
Institute: ZJE
Major: BMS/BMI
Course ID: IBMS9001
Course Title: Human Disease: from Research to Clinic 3A