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Notice of the trial run of the new version of the Library Website

To enhance the reader experience and optimize library resources and services, the Library Website has been revised and upgraded. The new version of the website is currently undergoing a trial run after completing research, design, development, and data migration. 

The following are the relevant details: 

  1. 1.Access Method 

  1. 1.1 The new version of the Library Website address: 

    The domain name of the Library's new website will remain the same after its launch. The old website will be taken offline and will no longer be updated. 

  1. 1.2 Both web and mobile versions of the library's new website are available. 

  1. 2.Section Setting 

To optimize the websites information service function and improve its publicity capabilities, the new homepage features a navigation bar, search box, popular services, information, book recommendations, and other sections. The website database navigation has also been upgraded with more convenient access to resource search and popular services, and provides with information dynamics and new books recommendations. 

During the trial period , all functions and modules require optimization and improvement. Please contact us if you have any comments or suggestions while using the website. 

Tel: 0571-87572288 



Apr. 1st, 2024