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Textbooks used in world famous Universities - All in CEB Library

Lecture Topic: Textbooks used in world famous Universities - All in CEB Library

Time: Mar. 16th 2018, 16:30-17:15pm., Friday

Location: Library multi-function room, 1st Floor

Speaker: Maggie (Cengage Learning)

Applicable Object: All

Language: Chinese & English

Training Content:

1.What is CEB Library

CEB Library collected around 3500 textbook and reference books published by CENGAGE. These books are widely used around the world and adopted by many famous US universities. The following disciplines will be open for trail: Computing, Engineering, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics and Finance, Management, Philosophy, English and Literature, Arts.

2.How to use CEB Library

Teach you how to read e-textbooks on CEB library online, download, and print.

3.Q & A




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