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Event Notice | The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, hailed as "the best book ever written by mankind." It tells profound life philosophy from a child's perspective with simple and understandable…

Service Notice | Dear all,  According to Notice re the Arrangements during the Winter Vacation on the International Campus, library opening hours and service are arranged as follows: 1. Opening Hours During the…

Service Notice | Dear all, Textbook will be distributed on Jan. 14th. Detailed arrangement are as follows: 1、 For ZJE & ZJUI Freshmen Institute Major Date Time Location ZJE Biomedical Sciences Jan. 14th 9:00-9:…

Service Notice | To better meet the needs of students during the exam week, the library will extend its opening hours from December 30, 2023, to January 12, 2024, including the New Year holiday. Opening Hour: 8:00…

Lecture Notice | Keeping abreast of cutting-edge information in your research field can help identify new research directions and entry points, and help improve the innovation and impact of your research. So how to…

Lecture Notice | With the booming development of data-intensive scientific research, scientific data presents a “blowout” growth. How to effectively share and utilize scientific data has become an increasingly…