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Lecture Notice | With the ability to create personal workspace, handout libraries, and collaborative spaces for lessons and creative activities online, OneNote has powerful capabilities on reading, writing, math, and…

Event Notice | 深海是什么样?深海里有什么? 公式如何动人地描绘了宇宙之美? 又何谓汉画为“一座巨大的无字碑”? 苍穹浩瀚,皆藏之于书。 文津图书奖走到第十六届,在此与你相见。 文津图书奖设立于2004年,是国家图书馆主办并联合全国图书馆界共同参与的公益性图书奖项。文津图书奖选用《耕织图》中的《簸扬图》为标识,取“读书如稼穑,勤耕致丰饶”之意,揭示了读书与人生的关系,也传达了文津图书奖的宗旨。该奖项命名“文津…

Other Notice | Jove video experimental journal is dedicated to showing the research process and achievements of biology, medicine, chemistry, physics and other disciplines by video. In 2018, Jove video experimental…

Other Notice | The University of Chicago Press Journals database covers more than 80 academic journals, of which 68 are included in web of science. It not only covers the fields of humanities and social sciences,…

Lecture Notice | Statistical data is an important supporting material for conducting scientific research, mastering macro indicators, and industry trends. How to find authoritative and reliable statistical data…

Lecture Notice | Publishing research papers is one of critical step of scientific research. However, when it comes to writing and submitting an academic paper, do you know how to target appropriate journals and avoid…