Title: Human Genetics and Genomics
Author: Bruce R. Korf, Mira B. Irons
Press: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 9780470654477
Edition: 4th
Introduction: This fourth edition of the best-selling textbook, Human Genetics and Genomics , clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of molecular genetics, to clinical applications used in the treatment of both rare and common conditions. A newly expanded Part 1, Basic Principles of Human Genetics, focuses on introducing the reader to key concepts such as Mendelian principles, DNA replication and gene expression.Part 2, Genetics and Genomics in Medical Practice, uses case scenarios to help you engage with current genetic practice. Now featuring full-color diagrams, Human Genetics and Genomics has been rigorously updated to reflect today's genetics teaching, and includes updated discussion of genetic risk assessment, single gene" disorders and therapeutics.
Institute: ZJE
Course ID: IBMS8006
Course Title: Biomedical Genetics 2