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Lecture Notice | Scopus AI is an advanced generative AI model trained on a vast corpus of over 90 million documents from the Scopus database, specifically designed for enhancing scientific research search and…

Lecture Notice | After reading through a lot of books and articles, have you noticed that you still cannot find the experimental data and methods you need? Fellows, you may need a guide on science and engineering…

Event Notice | The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, hailed as "the best book ever written by mankind." It tells profound life philosophy from a child's perspective with simple and understandable…

Event Notice | The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, hailed as "the best book ever written by mankind." It tells profound life philosophy from a child's perspective with simple and understandable…

Service Notice | Dear all,  According to Notice re the Arrangements during the Winter Vacation on the International Campus, library opening hours and service are arranged as follows: 1. Opening Hours During the…

Service Notice | Dear all, Textbook will be distributed on Jan. 14th. Detailed arrangement are as follows: 1、 For ZJE & ZJUI Freshmen Institute Major Date Time Location ZJE Biomedical Sciences Jan. 14th 9:00-9:…